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Rain Blanken

Rain Blanken

Rain Blanken is an editorial leader who has been working in digital media for 15 years.

Rain Blanken is a writer, editor, and creative leader. She specializes in SEO wizardry and coaching happy teams.

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Shave a Pomeranian…Today!

From ye olde Stomped Monster blog on Blogspot.com

Originally published on April 30, 2009


Gizmo was a Little Lamb, Little Lamb, Little LAMB. I did a lot of research on shaving Pomeranians before I decided to sheer the Giz. Lots of groomers tell you not to, but some say it's just fine if you use a longer hair setter (like a #7 comb...I dunno, that's groomer talk.) So I shaved off his chest, back and the 'mane' area around his neck and ears.


It turns out that his undercoat is like wool!!! It's soft and bouncy/spongy!! I have a little lamb.

I left the hair on his head/legs/tail and ears so that he would look like a Dr. Suess dog. He is the softest little thing ever with really long legs and a foxy head.

I don't know yet if his overcoat will grow back like it was. A lot of the groomers online said that it could grow back in patches or whatever. But I didn't trim him that close, so I'm not sure if that applies to us. He's got a good inch left back there. Call me crazy, but he looks a lot happier and all set for the summer months.

Besides, Gizmo is as crazy as I am...

I'll take more pics with less camera flash. He has lots of red left on his head and legs.

2010 Update: Shaved again, and how it grew out.

For those somehow deeply concerned about the fate of my dogs haircut: As stated above, I used a #7 blade. If you are a groomer or know anything about grooming, this is not a short blade. In fact, it is a skip tooth blade and is ideal for cutting matted coats. All I cut was dead hair, not close to the follicles. Without his little hair follicles being disturbed, there is no danger of the hair 'growing back at an angle'. As for a splotchy overcoat, it didn't happen this winter, and yes, I'll be shaving him again in a few weeks. If his coat grows back splotchy, I think he'll survive the weather just fine, we have a magical machine that makes our house whatever temperature we command it to be. Perhaps if he was a show dog, I'd care more what his overcoat looked like. He has so much more energy in the summer when he's not carrying around all that extra hair.

Shave a Pomeranian Again